What is the best digital interconnect

I have a Bat VK-5i and VK-500. My cd player that i just upgraded is a Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1. Now im looking for a good digital interconnect. I'd appriciate your comment. Thanks! (I almost forgot, my speakers are Hales Transcendent 5's)
I have had two digital cables that I from time to time listen to. Gena labs gemini cable that is not talked about alot and the nordost moonglo which is some what popular. Very good cable and the gemimi cable is built like a tank. Enjoy
I've been totally happy with Cardas Lightening with a variety of equipment-- fast and neutral.
Hi, try giving Millersound a call in Pennsylvania. You will have to call information. Check their cable reviews on audioreview. I paid $60 for a .5 meter digital cable and I love it. My experience with different types is limited, however I purchased it based on recommendation from a friend who had demoed it against Kimber silver and Illuminati digital cables and found the Millersound to beat them all soundly. I only had a Monster digital cable to compare it to and it definitely beat out the Monster. Try Millersound, he offers a 30-day guarantee. Good luck. Dan
I use the Transparent Premium Digital Link. It's a coaxial digital cable. They sell for around $300. Transparent has an reference cable as well. I really like the difference it made in my Denon DCD 1290.
I have Illuminations Orchid, Synergy Designer Ref and Illuminations D 60. All are excellent, but they all sound different and I prefer different ones with different equipment combinations. AES/EBU and RCA also do sound different. I bet you could live with any of the tope end recommendations, but if you are going for the maximum out of your digital equipment you will have to experiment.