Best power cord for amp??

Just bought an Audio Research VT-100MKII. I need some suggestion for power cords. Please advise. Thanks
Hi Garfish. You can email me at "". TPC stands for Tough Pitch Copper, but means the stuff your electrician puts in the wall. To run a dedicated AC feed, TPC is fine in my opinion since the key issues are very tight connections and very low resistance. It is only the last 6 feet or so that you need a good quality audio AC cable. That said, it appears Albertporter has used a higher quality cable for his AC feeds - not a high-end AC cable, but a high purity conductor in his feeder. I put it badly in my previous post, but I just meant that the TPC feeder cable is just as directional as all your other cables, if not more so. When I did my dedicated feed I put it in the wrong way and got a flat and bright presentation. When I put it in the right way things improved quite a bit. I just thought you should check this before you start voicing your system to overcome the brightness. Other things to do are to replace any fuses in the feeder with ceramic types, and check, clean and tighten every connection right back as far as you can go.
You guys are all nuts. How the cord carrying 60 Hz 120 volts alternating current that then passes through a transformer and then rectified into direct current can affect sound to the degree claimed is amazing. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! Maybe you guys should think about upgrading your rectifiers and getting more pure DC? Get real!
Hi Rfj; Try some and you'll be amazed. Awhile ago I didn't believe it either, then I auditioned six. They all sounded different from each other-- some good, some bad, some little difference. Dealers will often let you audition broken in demos for free. Go hunting, and good luck. Craig