PowerSnake Owners Unite!

OK PowerSnake owners, I think it's high time that we combine our efforts to completely familiarize our fellow Audiogon members with the power cords that we love more than any other on the planet. I'm asking owners of the Sidewinder, Black Mamba, Cobra and King Cobra to tell everyone honestly what these cords have done to improve the sound of their system. Believe me, you haven't really heard what your components sound like until you've heard them through a PowerSnake.
Honestly, I think this is my cheapest and best upgrade ever. U won't get such significant improvement for that amount of money. I counldn't wait to buy the second Black Mamba after listened to the first one I borrowed from the dealer.
I say they suck!...just kidding. I'll be trying some soon, but apparently they need like 100 billion years to break in, or so. (That's the excuse those they are trying them ahead of me are offering). And another question to all of you guys: Is the stuff that rattles around in them RADIOACTIVE? Nobody seems to know just what it is, but if it came from outer space, it might be anti-matter, you never know. Measure one with a geiger counter some time...or else sleep with one tied around your crotch, and see if it lowers your sperm count...
I would be interested in actually hearing what people who own these have to say about the sound.
I can't believe it two post in one day I am passionate about. I have been in serious audio for 28 years. I have never had any component make the kind of difference the powersnakes have made. I have a black mamba on my joule-electra and a cobra on my belcanto DAC One. The authority, the tonal balance, the ease, and oh yes the incredible size of your soundstage. When I first heard others talk about the bass I was afraid it would overpower my room but these things managed to give me more bass and tighter better bass at the same time. I hate to admit it but they do sound better plugged into my Richar Gray Power Stations. I had hoped I could sell these when I got the snakes. I quess there was some reason the two companies recomended each other.