Silver cables - Great price!!

Has anyone out there in audio-land used the silver interconnects being sold by a new company called "Home Grown Audio"? I saw a comment in one of the threads about them, commenting that they are silver interconnects at very low prices. I decided to check out their Web page, and I want to share the news with other 'philes. I have no connection in any way with this company, but I think their products and pricing deserve serious attention from anyone who wants to save money on high-end cabling. The name of the company is "HomeGrownAudio", and their 999.999% pure, all-silver cables sell for $70 per 1-meter pair, or $40 in DIY kit form (you do the assembly and soldering). Their lower-priced interconnect has silver positive leads, and copper negative returns (ala the Kimber Silver Streak), and are priced at $40 ($24 for DIY kit). I ordered 2 kits for the all-silver interconnect, and will report back after I have assembled and used them. In the meantime, check out their Web site:
Trelja- Where can you get the Orca design RCAs? I asked Homegrown about a six conductor strand version, like my KCTG, and they said that they have a four strand version, not yet on their internet site, for $129 1m pr assembled, with locking RCAs or XLR, same price. They found no greater sonic benefit going from 4 to 6 strands. So, I am planning on ordering several sets of them. Now I must decide whether to assemble them myself, or just have them do it. What is involved in assembling these cables, both XLR and RCA?
Gjames, glad to see you're on the move! For the AXON RCA's, go to Then go to AXON, then accessories. These plugs appear to be of very high quality. Siver plated housing, gold plated contacts, teflon dielectric, WBT look, etc. $4.64 each! Careful reading shows that pure copper is NOT listed(but neither is brass), but as their other accessories ARE pure copper(spades, bananas, binding posts), I'm keeping my fingers crossed... While you are on the site, you can look up their distributors(Madisound, Zalytron, etc.), and go from there. They have a lot of speaker building info(how I found them, initially in 1992), so it's a great hit for many of us. To assemble cable, you just make the braid(they include instructions, or you can ask someone who braids their hair to teach you). Then, just make the(included silver solder) solder connection. I was told about the 4 conductor version from HomeGrownAudio, but think I will still make my own KCTG(with the AXON RCA's). Cheaper($68 + $20 for the AXON RCA's), more conductors, and a proven product to base it on(Kimber KCTG). Let's start a cable revolt, affordable exotic cable. Good Luck!
I bought three of these (silver) kits and assembled them, using lead free high silver content solder. They come with braided wire now which is convenient since the braiding process was the only thing part of the process where I could have used three hands. RCA's were of high quality. I added some additional shrink tube from Radio Shack and did a direct A/B with AQ Quartz. Only difference - little less prominent bass which is no big deal since I just turned the powered subs up a notch. Bottom line is this - they're a steal at $39 for the silver kit with RCA's. They are working on a speaker wire (silver) which should be really interesting. And the silver kit (1.0 meter) with XLR's is just $54. You just cannot go wrong with the quality or price.
Hey Trelja, what is the status on your Kimber KCTG knock off cable? I have assembled the Silver Solution kit and am currently evaluating them against my Linn cables. Initially a little more bright and revealing through my Maggies. I can't wait to try the speaker cable kit. I am also interested in Mapleshade's speaker cable. I am trying the Silver Solution's without the solder first and then I'll solder them up and listen again. Happy listening!
I received a pair of Homegrown's Super Silver 1.0m interconnects yesterday and am in the process of breaking them in. Out of the box they sounded horrible, no bass, sibilance on female vocals, tiny soundstage (again the bass), fuzzy HF and a total lack of musical involvement (on my part) during my midnight hour long listening session. Since there is very little written on the products I thought it necessary to share this dismal picture. Anyway, I placed a Berlioz CD on play/repeat and went to bed. I continued to listen to Berlioz this morning at a higher volume and the change that has taken place during the eight hour (a total of fourteen hours including yesterday afternoons' play time) burn in is like "night and day". I just listened to cuts from "Ry Cooder - Bop", "Kepa Junkera(a CD of Basque music that is my Holy Grail for testing new gear)" and "Paul Winter - Celtic Solstice (recorded at St. John's Cathedral, NY)" All of the gremlins experienced out of the box are gone with the exception of the low-mid bass, which has improved but is still hindering the fullness of the sounstage and my total involvement in the music. They still sound a little thin compared to the Radio Shack Gold and the (Bryston?) cables that I have been using. I was given cables and told that they were from Bryston though they are not marked so. I wish I knew more about the break in period for these cables, but if the LF increases I will be very happy with the product. They are processing a CAL Icon Mk II which is no lightweight in the bass department, but my amplifier (Musical Fidelity) and speakers (Castle) are not considered to be "bass kings". These are my first pair of (maybe) high quality cables. I will report back (the short version I promise) if there are any improvements in the bass and soundstage department. Anyone else using Homegrown cables? Please let us know your opinions on this affordable cable.