Best used 500 1m XLR interconnects

I'm leaning toward Harmonic Techology Magic Links.

What about Acoustic Zen Silver Reference, AZ Matrix, or Cardas Golden Reference?

Will silver cables ALWAYS brighten a system?

Any other ic's I should consider?

Current cabling is:

o Harmonic Technology Magic Link 1m XLR ic's for cd to pre.
(sold 1m pr of Pro Silway Mk II's for the Magic Links)
o Harmonic Technology Pro Silway Mk II 2m XLR ic's for pre
to amp.
o Harmonic Technology Pro 9 Plus 10 ft bi-wire speaker

My system is all SS and very articulate already(IMO). Therefore, silver may be a concern perhaps the first pair of Magic Links have already begun to look over that fine line toward being overly bright but am still evaluating.

hello I'm going to help save you $250. I purchased harmonic technology magic in January and was wondering how my previous reference cable the XLO signature would compare and purchased a pair of signature cables used for $250. Straight out of the package even though the signature wasn't used previously it was no contest especially in the bass the signature seemed to have another octave lower extension end considerably more weight and definition, the middle range is much more transparent compared to the harmonic cable which has a veiled sound kind of a fog like where you can't see or hear through clearly in this case. I'd assumed cables had been improved in the last ten years and the signature was completely obsolete by now. I was totally wrong.
I have tried a bunch of cables, some very expensive stuff and my favorite is the Silver Ref Acoustic Zen cables. If your system is to bright it might not be for you, it will pass any and all information you play through it.
A lesser known brand to consider is Bearlabs. They retail at less than $500 new and I chose them for MY system over more expensive silver Siltechs and SPM. Good luck!
Been in your position and the best I found with my set up is the AudioQuest Anaconda. I was using XLO reference Type 2 and was thrilled until I auditioned the AQ. No brightness, detail and no real character of it's own. Kinda spooky when you hear it. I picked up a .6 meter for $325.00 but you can find 1 meter pairs for under $500.00. Good luck and Cheers...