what happened to power cord review

Back on 6/17/01 there was a post by Lcat about doing a power cord shoot out. Does anyone know what the results were?. I've been waiting for the results to help me make an informed decision before i buy some power cords.
I was replacing a stock (computer type) cord so there was plenty of room for improvement. I'd imagine most of the improvement came from reduced RFI.
I would expect it/they will sound better over time. I'm glad to see that has been others' experiences. Which specific models have you gentlemen tried?
Something to look forward to.

How much are the VD PC's? I just picked up four more pieces of vintage tube gear and all of the power cords need to be replaced (I wouldn't plug a lamp in with these old cords). I will require an additional 9 or 10 PC's eventually for various projects, as all of the gear will be used either by us or by friends/family (time to start looking for 14/16 gage stock Belden's in the thrift shops:-).
Gunbei: I am sorry to hear that the Absolute's did not perform well in your setup (we know that Bob's rig is not up to task, hell I read somewhere that he uses welding equipment in it:-), but you have a nice system.
Hi Dekay!

From what I remember the prices for power cords are as follows:
Basic - $30
Power 3 - $50
Power 2 - $125
Power 1 - $200
Audition - $200
Reference - $375

These are the intro prices until he does the full launch, which may be in a few months. Rick has some ads on Audiogon right now. Check this out David:


You might want to give him a call. He'll explain what his approach to design and construction is. He's very enthusiastic and friendly. Here is a quote from one of his ads:

"DYNAMIC FILTERING is simply the best AC cleaning system and distortion removal device you will find. Audition Complete Cable Package will increase volume levels as well as deliver a ultra black backdrop to the sound stage. Instruments will start to fill your listening room with the lingering sounds of a live performance and newfound tonality will soothe your ears the sound stage will grow in size an transparency imaging is pinpoint accurate."

This pretty much somes up what I experienced, and that's with only three Power 2 cords. I don't know how changing power cords or cables can result in noticeably increased volume with blacker backgrounds, but that is exactly what I heard. When I spoke with Rick in December he never mentioned the Audition series, so I don't know where it fits into his overall product line. Even though I'm really enjoying my system right now, I'm curious as to what a full switch to Virtual Dynamics [oops, I almost typed VD] might yield.
