Speaker Cable Suggestions?

I am upgrading my speaker cables for Vandy 2CE and Bel Canto EVO amp, I am considering MIT Term. 2 and Analysis Plus Oval 9, must be biwire. Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Rick
With my usual disclosure, that I know the owner (originally through a purchase, though), I'd suggest you contact Serguei at stnemo@starpower.net for a Stealth recommendation. I had MIT CVT Terminator about 10 years ago, and am still kicking myself for the money I wasted on them. Analysis Plus would surely be a better buy, but Stealth better still, IMHO.
My experience is that the two cables that you mentioned are on opposite ends of the tonal spectrum. You may be best off contacting someone at the Cable Company and getting set up to audition a few different cables. What you like and what will work with your specific components may never jive with the recommendations that you get here. Every system and person is different and only you will know what you think is best. Trust your ears and see for yourself. I did. Sean >
I had the Vandy's for several years and tried many cables and many amps. Finally gave up and sold the speakers. Vandy's are dull, dull, dull. Try a bright, ultra detailed cable like the Nodost Blue Heaven.