Speaker Cable Suggestions?

I am upgrading my speaker cables for Vandy 2CE and Bel Canto EVO amp, I am considering MIT Term. 2 and Analysis Plus Oval 9, must be biwire. Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Rick
Rick, thanks for the correction. I meant to type soundstage. I plead guilty to not proof reading before clicking submit. Any ideas on why it was improved?
i.ve got 3a sigs which have a little more revealing high end than you do and i LOVE my ap oval 9. best value in cable.
I have a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Speakers and a Musica amp (50 watts per channel). I purchased a pair of Analysis Plus oval 9 biwired speaker cables and found them to be wonderful. The bass is very extended and the highs are smooth. The cables sounded great right out of the boxes but I have noticed an improvement the more I play them. I can't imagine a better cable for the money. This is my personal opinion everyones ears are unique and if possible try out various cables before you buy.
Amp output=>speaker circuits are low impedance. Therefore, use the SHORTEST and THICKEST copper wire you can reasonably handle. Make sure your connections are always clean and tight. These two considerations alone will make a more audible difference than whether you pay 50 cents a foot versus $50 a foot for cable. The idea is to minimize the series impedances so that the voltage that appears at the speaker end of the cable is as close as absolutely possible to what the amplifier puts into it. If possible, twist the two conductors together. That will make the speaker cable less apt to act as an antenna--that is, pick up RF interference and conduct it into the amplifier. Some amp designs are more immune than others to RFI, but it's a worthwhile precaution nonetheless.