thorens or Rega

I'm presently trying to decide which table to use with a Blue Point Special cartridge, the Rega 2 has a Linn Basik LVX tonearm and the Thorens is a TD160, with a floating plater and armboard, very similiar to the Linn LP12, The Thorens table seems very well built I've replaced the Matt with felt, I have a stud mounted wall shelf for stablity.
the above also applies to the Rega P2 and the P2 based NAD 533 as well as the Rega P3
Caterham1700, I've been thinking the same about the Linn Arm not being geo-metricly accurate and that what I need to do is get an RB250 with the improved wiring, then having that put in place on the Rega 2, to be honest I paid very little for the Rega and should have looked into that combination before I paid for this combination. Meanwhile I am going to go for the THorens with the BPS which I again paid very little for.....Had a R2 years ago with which ever arm came standard and a Signet cartridge sold that combo now wsihing I never had...can anyone help me get an RB250 with the new wiring? or point me in that direction? Thanks,in Advance
Get in touch of Doug Sedond about the 250.He knows about them better than most.
hi rwilli,

dunno if i know about 'em better than most, but i *do* know that i got a good deal on an origin-live modded rb250 from stoneaudio uk. i tink ewe can also buy 'em direct from origin-live. in the usa, i believe galen carol audio sells 'em. killer arm, really nice on my oracle 'table. origin-live sez it's their best arm - even better than their modified rb900. the 900 has better-quality bearings, but the more rigid bearing mounting of the 250 works better after the mods are done (according to o-l).

doug s.

THe RB 250 seems to be getting better reviews then the RB 300, especially after having it modified, I'm still trying to find an RB 250 that has been modified? the dealer I'm working with says the RB 300 bearings are better and unfortunitly he is the only Hi Fi dealer in this area and I'm thinking he feels the RB 300 is worth the X-tra $100, I'm thinking finding an RB 250 and having the modes done will result in better sound? Reply with any thoughts you might have? Sorry this post sounds redundint,