A few years ago I was on the hunt for an upgrade to my XLR interconnect between my preamp and amp (ARC LS5 and VT130). I had been using Straightwire Virtuoso which I quickly learned had much to do with my system's brightness. I borrowed an Audioquest Diamond. Very neutral tonal balance but this cable robbed the music's midrange bloom and ambience. Stereophile was certainly out to lunch when they recommended this or they were using a very unmusical solid state based system as their reference. I then tried the Transparent Audio Ultra. It was quite nice but the rolled- off top-end was just not right for a cable of this cost. I then tried an NBS Master, middle of the NBS line, and experienced one of those rare times when a component change just stops you in your tracks. I had not heard of NBS until this time when a dealer told me to take it home and try it. The tonal balance was very good, the midrange bloom was back again but I had a level of resolution that was new to me. My opinion of this product was very high except for the price. I finally settled on Cardas Golden Cross and SilverAudio cables. These are both outstanding values and each has its pros/cons.....midrange warmth vs resolution.....but only the NBS gave me both. I recently upgraded again, and this time to NBS Statement and have never looked back. These things are ridiculously expensive, but I have seen them on the used market for 15%-25% retail price and that is the time to jump. Someday I will try the Nordost, but for now, the NBS Statement is an excellent match in my system. I understand the Monitor series to be a bit higher in resolution and more neutral compared to the Classic series with a little more warmth. Try both before you decide the NBS is not a good match for you.