Speaker Cable Length

I know that this thread has been visited before in gerneral terms, but I would appreciate feedback relative to my specific situation. My current speaker cables are 15 feet each. What, if any benefit, will result in using 10-12 feet lengths? What about 8 feet (the shortest I might be able to go after extensive re-arranging of equipment)? Thanks in advance.
Jim, I don't think you will get much benefit from shortening the Midnights by a third. They are not tough to drive and certainly not by the Mesa. The Goertz could be a problem over this length given its capacitiance, which makes it a harder call, but I have a feeling the Mesa is up to the task. Dekay, long ICs are usually only recommended between pre and power because preamps are usually designed to do just this. Few DACs are designed to be up to the task, but there are some exceptions. Long digital ICs are OK only if using ST-type cables - which are incredibly cheap and so not a bad idea.
Thanks for the feedback, all. I've picked up a lot of information that I either wasn't aware of or hadn't thought about. At the end of the day I guess it still comes down to trying different cables. At least I have more to go on now. Thanks again.
Jim; thanks for the thread, I've got a similar situation to yours, ie 14 ft. Syn. Res. cables. But with rearranging I think I can get to 6-7 Ft, but I'll have to go to 4-5M ICs. Sam has a good point re: resale value. Thanks. Craig.
When I changed my 8' Harmonic Technology Pro-9 plus bi-wires to 12' there was not a noticeable difference. Perhaps a little less bass focus, but then I re-dialed my sub in, and there was no longer any difference whatsoever.