SIlver Cable Experiences?

I will be purchaseing Silver Cable from and would like to know what peoples experiences are using Silver for either Speaker Cables or Interconnects.

I personally don't care for pure silver cables, in my system they are too bright. I do however love hybrid cable, copper and silver, with my current set-up these sound the best. I use Kimber Select KS-3035 speaker cables and Straightwire Crescendo IC's. I have not yet tried a silver power cable, maybe one of these days I will. In my opinion hybrids are the way to go, the best of both worlds...
Equiptment & reason!

Speakers--NEAR M15's\M50's
Amp--B&K Mod. ST-202
Pre--Rotel RC960
SS Pre--Lexicon CP3 Plus

The reason I am going to try Silve ris because I have heard that it works well with NEAR's ,so I thought I would give it a shot.I will try DIY first tehn I might opt to upgrade it to better quality If the diff is significant!

Silver works in my system, I use Kimber kcag and kctg. Smooth and extremely transparant. I've never used silver speaker cables. My system prob. leans towards warm with a tube cj preamp - I like copper too, however, silver in the right system is so much faster, airy, transparant, with tight bass and no bloat. I also get a more "you are there" sense with human voice." Now if your system is on the lean side then silver might not work anywhere. just my .02
It's something other than the silver per se. I used to use AQ Diamond and Lapis (silver hyperlitz) cables and found them warm, mellow, and laid-back -- too much so, in fact.
I am in agreement with most of the above. In my own experiance, silver speaker cables do not work well in my Home Theatre, due I think, to the metal tweeters in my Def Tech's. However, I use silver/copper hybreds exclusively with my Talon Audio Speakers and find it to be much more detailed than just copper. The same is true for silver hybred interconnects between my transport & DAC.