Lyra Helikon

There is a special low output version of the Lyra Helikon available, the " SL ".

Did anyone with a premium phono stage listened to it ?
Or owns it ?
Can anyone describe the

s o n i c a l

differences between the regular one and ths " SL " type ?

( Please NO technical discussion, I know this ...)

According to the people at Scantech, there is no sonic difference between the low and high output versions of this cartridge. Having said this, the main difference is fewer windings on the coils, hence lower moving mass for the coil assembly. One might conclude that this would increase speed and low level detail.
Every cartridge manufacturer claims that the Hi output version of a cartridge is the same quality as the low output version. If that were really true, they'd only put out a high output version. Common sense usually triumphs over hype.
I agree. Go with the low output version. The lower, the better, provided that you have a phono stage which is up to the task.
@ Bluesman,
of course you are right.
I know, here in this section are a few who know more than the others, that's a reason why I like this forum.
These high output units are made for marketing, because most users have average phono sections which cant't handle "low outputs ".
( But this is a own story ... )

Same sound = fairy tale !!!

All systems which are on the market , which were made with higher output are sounding worse than their originals ( Benz Ruby II, Transfiguration, Cardas .... )

That is really no secret.

But back to my question ....


I have the "SL" version of the Helikon. I was unable to make a direct comparison with the standard version though. Originally I was going to get the standard version, but my dealer suggested that the SL was more suitable for the phono stage on my equipment (Naim Audio)

I am upgrading from a Lyra Lydian and there are signifcant differences in higher levels of resolution, wider dynamic range, less groove noise and faster bass. All this is in comparison to a Lydian though. My dealer has heard both Helikons and felt that there was a significant difference between the two, with the SL having the advantage. Specifically he mentioned wider dynamic range and better resolution.

Don't know that you're going to find a dealer who has both, but all the information I got led me to beleive the SL was a better choice.

So far I have been quite pleased with about 30 hours on it. It seems broken in, but of course I won't know unless there is a further change.

Arthur Bye