Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

I have used the MIT2 and AudioQuest cords... Better than stock -- the best?? probably not
Stevemj: Hate to burst your bubble but you are not the center of the universe. The onus is not upon this forum to convert you. If you seek conversion, go to a revival meeting. You've got plenty of them in the Southeast. If you want to learn about wire technology, read up!
I also own the LS25. I have had excellent results with the NBS (Monitor IV or Mine/Serpent II) and the Powersnakes Sidewinder, which are all affordable and "juices" up the performance of the LS25. However, The most significant tweak for the LS25 would be to replace the stock 6922 with NOS 6922 such as the 6H23 from Upscale Audio.) These tube make the LS25 sound like a much more robust and dynamic preap with

Stevemj: I suppose the world is still flat, because you have not traveled around it.
Listen guys, you are just not thinking. The power cord, as far as the amp is concerned, is part of the house wiring. The house wiring is connected to the pole pig. From there it goes to the substation. From there it may go to directly to a dam or gas turbine. There is lots and lots of ordinary wire between you and where the power is generated. Hundreds of miles. So, even if your fancy 6 or 8 ft wire were better, which it isn't, what good would 8 ft of special wire out of several hundred miles do? Nobody here has the foggiest idea how fancy line cord can make an improvement. Nobody is going to provide any evidence at all for why expensive line cord improves performance. And the reason is that there is no possible way for line cord to do anything except lighten your pocket books and send the marketing people who cook this kind of sucker product home laughing.

What you should learn from the fact that one cord sound diffrent to you than another is not that there is difference in line cords.