Power cords to the same outlet

Hi everybody, I am getting some new mono block amps and the way the outlets are on the wall would mean I would have to plug both amps in the same outlet. Is this ok or does it make a difference? Thanks.
Hi Radiomanjh; A typical "home" outlet is rated for 15 amperes (current), so it depends on how much current your amps draw, which in turn depends on the load the speakers place on the amps, which in turn depends on how big your room is and how loud you listen. So the answer is "it depends". I'm not trying to be a wise guy here, in fact I'm going to be facing the same question soon. 15 amps is quite a bit of current for say, 200 wpc monos in a medium sized room at moderate volume. And speakers of moderate impedance (4-6 Ohms), and medium sensitivity (about 87-89 SPL at 1 meter). Maybe I'm only adding confusion, or maybe giving you some things to consider. I forget how to convert amps (current) to watts. Maybe someone else can help us here. More info. on your amps and speakers would help answer your question. Good Luck. Craig
Thanks Craig, my amps are going to be Rogue Audio M120's with the magnum uprade. Their rated at 120w per channel, my speakers are Proac Response 2.5's 86db spl. My room size is 11 x 18. I have two outlets I can use, both having two sockets each to plug into. So that means I have four sockets, one for my PSAUDIO power plant, two for my mono blocks.
A 15 amp circuit at a nominal 115 volts has 1725 watts of available power. Compare that against the maximum operating power required by the 2 amplifiers. If your operating power requirements of all connected equipment is nearing 1500 watts you want to seriously consider adding another circuit to prevent voltage drop problems.

With monoblocks there are some who favor putting them on two circuits. Each one on opposite sides of the mains breaker. Supposedly this setup aids in canceling common noise. There are ways to simulate this setup if you want to see whether it's benefical in your situation. My method requires you know how to use a voltmeter however.
Radioman; It looks to me that (based on Alex's 1725 watts) you, at the very least, have adequate watt capacity with the outlets you have safety wise. I've done some research on Proac speakers, and the 2.5/3.8s I believe have easy to drive impedence (about 8 Ohm)-- nice speakers BTW. Also, the Rogue monos should not be a difficult load electrically, ie as impedence drops, tube amps do not increase their power demands like a good SS amp does. As Alex notes, I've also read that it's desirable sonically to have the monos on different circuits, but probably all the existing outlets in your room are on the same circuit anyway. BTW, last summer I had an electrician put in 4 Hubbell duplex dedicated outlets and dedicated ground, and it dropped the music's noise floor dramatically, but then required good quality power cords to get rid of brightness (from the stock cheap power cords). Total cost was about $850.-- mostly labor. Good Luck. Craig
The Rogue will sound better with new AC cords.The stock ones like all stock ac cords are average.