Purist Audio, Elrod or Shunyata power cord?

Hi all,

Need some advice on the power cord for my amp.
I tried many other cables out there, and burned lots of cash still could not bring the desire performance.

I have tried many out... now am consider changing the power cord from the amp and the speaker cable.
I have Purist Audio, Elrod, and Shunyata on my list...
But envy you guys, I do not have a way to audition all of the cables from the list.
I also don't have the budget for a 3000+ cable, and will like to start work my way up to bring the desire performance.

My components are as follow:

Meridian G08 cd player
interconnect from cd to pre:Tara Lab The One+FGS interconnect.
power for cdp: MIT Oracle AC1

Edge Sign. One preamp.
interconnect from pre to power: MIT Oracle 350
power for pre amp: Hand made brand Shark silver.

Edge G8 amp.
power for amp: Liner Acustic OCC copper.

Speaker: Ascendo system E
Speaker Cable: Analysis Plus Solo Crystal.

What are your opinions if what I am trying to get out of is the vivid "body" that's got details, big sound stage, deep base but not too lean or warm at mid. to bring the as-real-as-live kind of sound?

any suggesstion is appreciated.


I run the 3 Signatures to my Lamm's. Quite happy. You can find some good deals on them here on A-gon. I replaced Shunyata Anaconda with the Elrods. Nice cord.
I have used the Elrod sig 3 on amps and have found it to be the power cord of choice for me and in other systems. My buddy who could not afford the sig 3 is very happy with the non EPS-3 on his amp. They are close and for the used prices, find a sig 3. There are much better cords then the Elrod Sig 2 IMO. There is a local guy in New Jersey who's $200 cord out performs it.

I have tried the Shunyata black mamba V1 and it is very nice for digital as it really smooths out the sound and retains nice detail. I also use the Foundation Research LC-1 and LC-2 power cords and they are very nice also.

Happy Listening.
Mbadsc1, obviously others here like the Elrod EPS-3S cords also. They are the best I've heard on amps/preamps/power conditioners. The Shunyata's really have some magic in the digital domain though, and outperform the Elrod's on digital devices, IMHO. I have heard power cords from MIT/Transparent/Tara Labs/Cardas/XLO, etc., and I think a Shunyata would top them all. I personally liked the King Cobra's performance over the Anaconda Vx, but your tastes may vary. I prefer analog to digital. If I must listen to digital, I like tubes in the path and Shunyata power cords, to smooth out the digital glare. When Shunyata's first King Cobra came out, it was very rich, warm and musical. Many loved it, but the critics claimed that it lacked dynamics. So Shunyata came out with the King Cobra V2, which was more dynamic, less lush. Some folks still complained, so they came out with the Anaconda Vx, which is even more dynamic, yet leaner (for a Shunyata). All Shunyata 'noise reduction' series cords rob dynamics to some extent, which is why I don't care for them on my amps. However, they do have some *magic* when used for digital applications.

Generally speaking the King Cobra V1 will provide the warmest, richest, lusher sound. The Anaconda Vx will be more dynamic and quicker. The KC V2 falling somewhere in between these two. All will sound very good when used with the appropriate equipment, and suiting varying musical tastes.

Only you know what you're looking for so only you will ultimately know which cord you prefer. These are just starter tips. If you buy used on AudiogoN and find a certain cord doesn't suit you, you can usually turn around and sell it without much loss. If buying new, you may want to try The Cable Company, and it's lending library.

I hope this was somewhat helpful.
On my Pass X-250 amp, I've tried many cords- PS Audio LAB II, Top Gun, Wolff Gain, Kimber Palladian, and numerous others.

Admittedly, I haven't tried the Elrod. But I would suggest auditioning a VH Audio Flavor 4 Cryoed Gold.

I'm currently using one to great satisfaction. Relatively inexpensive, well built, and it outperformed the Kimber Palladian so highly touted in T.A.S. (at least in my system- where it counts).

VH Audio offers a very liberal return policy if you're not satisfied.

Is it an Elrod killer? Hell if I know. Is it excellent? Oh Yeah.
Jmcgrogan2, you are *RIGHT ON THE MONEY* in your description of the Shunyatas.
I couldn't have said it better !!
That's why I have the K.C.V-1's everywhere but the amps.