Record Cleaning - Cartridge Damage

I have a van den hul Black Beauty cartridge, and was told (can't remember by whom) that I should never use any stylus cleaner that contains alcohol. The reason given was that the alcohol will degrade the rubber that is part of the cartridge's suspension.

I thought this was a little odd, since I would only brush near the stylus itself, but it did cause me to wonder about the following:

I use a Nitty Nritty record cleaning machine with Nitty Gritty's "Pure 2" cleaning fluid. I am told by Nitty Gritty that this contains about 8% alcohol. I know that the machine vacuums off all the fluid, so I don"t see how this would damage the rubber in the cartridge's suspension. But then, I also would not have thought that brushing the stylus with alcohol would have done anything to the rubber in the suspension. Are "fumes" a problem? Is their any possibility of damage here? I clean my records regularly.


As far as cleaning the stylus...I was told to NEVER USE a cleaning pad that has those short, dense, thick fibers that look like velvet. One slip or inadvertent backward motion, and the cryin' starts, because you might have just done cantilever or suspension damage! Use an artist's camel hair brush (just cut off the wood handle). Happy Tunes!
Thought a while back I heard that folks at Linn sold a fine grit sandpaper to clean the stylus.To me this makes sense given that it is a diamond.I use most of the LAST products but like others am concenerd that any wet cleaner isn't getting the grime off (think of the heat and pressure at the tip) and worse may do the above damage.Any more thoughts fromanybody else?
the linn 'sandpaper' is made by 3m. it's green and coarse on one side, not actually sandpaper. from what i understand, most places that carry linn have it. it works quite well.
Has anyone tried lens paper? I know, sounds like another weird tweak, but think about it--if it's got what it takes to gently clean a lens, how would it work on a diamond tip. My experience has been--pretty good. You do need to be careful not to get the tip caught--that could result in the most expensive cleaning you ever had.
Try silly putty. You can get an egg at a toy store for $2.00 and it will last a lifetime. Just let the stylus rest on the silly putty under it's own weight for a second and you're done. Recommended by my Linn dealer. BTW there is another thread here where someone tells of spending $70.00 for a similar product designed specifically for styli!