78's through the system

I am simultaneously considering ways to upgrade my phono setup, and be able to play 78's on the big rig for the first time. I own a mid-80's Technics SL-1200 with a Benz-Micro Glider M2 going though a conrad-johnson PV-8 w/phono. The first thing to address is either modifying the TT to play 78rpm, or preferrably upgrading to a better TT that can do 78rpm. I have seen that Michell can supply a 78-capable pulley for the Gyrodec, but other suggestions would be welcome. Then I need a tonearm with a removable headshell, and I'm thinking SME, again suggestions helpful. I have no idea what 78 cartridge to look for (I'll keep the Glider for 33/45). And lastly, how imortant will it be to only have RIAA EQ available to me, or will I need to do something in the phono preamp area about that? My entire budget for this project is $3,000 max, whether I go new or used.
One of the less-expensive Clearaudio tables would be perfect for this. I think the "Solution" will support up to three tonearm/cartridge combinations at once.

You could probably get a "Solution table", RB250 tonearm to mate with your Glider, and a second RB250 to mate with a 78 rpm cartridge (like maybe a Grado, there may be others available).

As far as phono preamps go, for the sake of convenience you might want to buy two MS Phonomena's, so that there would be no need to swap cables every time you want to switch which format you're going to play. I don't know how the Phonomena will do with 78, but if you contact MS, I'm sure they can tell you.

If you shop carefully, you _might_ be able to do the whole deal for your $3k max budget. Enjoy!

One cool thing about being able to have three arm.cartridge setups is that later down the road you could add a third RB250 to your rig to support a mono cartridge, as well. I don't know what type of phono preamp would be needed for mono, but I betr MS can tell you...
Oh, one other thing, to control motor speed for 33 1/3, 45, and 78, you can pick up a used VPI PLC cheap, and still come in within your budget.
Zaikesman, I own a 1200 too. You can send it to Kevin Barrett of KAB Electroacoustics and have it modified for 78 RPM playback. His website is ( www.kabusa.com ).
The 1200 has dial-in VTA, so you just write down each cartridge's value, release the lock and dial it in. Just that simple.

You do not need to upgrade to a 'better' turntable unless you're willing to spend some serious money (thousands of dollars). Kevin has designed a tonearm fluid damper for the 1200. It is only $149 and it is absolutely outstanding.

My 1200 has Phoenix Gold interconnects, a JA Michell clamp, Sumiko HS-MMT headshell and an Ortofon X5 MC linked to a Monolithic Sound PS-1 phonostage and then to a Melos SHA-1 hybrid linestage. Line conditioner is a Tice A/V Solo. I can tell you the sound is truly high end.

The 1200 is a neutral sounding and very stable deck. Don't be mislead by well intentioned but misinformed/prejudiced persons who think it is a "DJ turntable"...
Estoteric Sound is a 78 rpm specialist and sells their own line of turntables. Suggest you check out their web site

Probably not much help, but I decided against adding 78 playback to the main system as it would be too expensive as well as a hassle. Instead I decided to pick up either a vintage or new "all in one player" with a small footprint so that it can be placed on the coffee table when we feel like spinning 78's. 78's are over quickly and I figure that (though not Hi-fi) this is about the only practical way to listen to them (we would not have to get up to change/flip the discs), plus most of our 78's are pretty grooved out anyway.

Restoration Hardware had one of these units for approx. $125.00 around the holidays, though I would prefer a vintage single ended, self contained, tube unit (which I see on Ebay now and then) for not a lot of money.

If I ever did decide to go the route you are considering I would use a separate TT for the 78's, like an old Dual, a Fons or something like that. I do however have an extra head shell for the TT that I will install a mono cartridge in (for the main system) as we have quite a few mono LP's. I will use the same cartridge that I am currently using but order the mono version (this way it should sound decent without having to adjust VTA and such).