I am having the exact same problem. The only good local classical/jazz station that I can get is a little fuzzy but reads 10/10 on my Magnum tuner. I am currently using the Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna indoors. In your situation I would splurdge for the Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth. This will add many db of gain the signal. Save you money and keep the antenna you have and spend it on the Signal Sleuth. I will be doing the same thing next term if my new house has the same reception problems.
I am having the exact same problem. The only good local classical/jazz station that I can get is a little fuzzy but reads 10/10 on my Magnum tuner. I am currently using the Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna indoors. In your situation I would splurdge for the Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth. This will add many db of gain the signal. Save you money and keep the antenna you have and spend it on the Signal Sleuth. I will be doing the same thing next term if my new house has the same reception problems.