Have you ever broken the needle?

I just purchased a Wilson Benesch cartridge (used) at a very reduced price. However when mounting this georgeous piece of equipment the pliers slipped when attaching the wires thus pushing the housing into the #$%&%!* needle and snappinig it clean off. Right there my heart quit pumping. Maybe CD's are the best way to go. Tell me your sob story. I need a good laugh.
The significant other found the platter dusty, took a cloth to clean it, the rest you can work out for yourself. After I've had my fit, she promised to leave dust as dust.....and Kelly, you must have gotten up on the wrong foot this morning...Cheers,
In the days when your bishop still used vinyl, his grandmother once snapped off a very expensive cantilever by rubbing her finger over the stylus, "to knock the dust off" before attempting to play one of her Lawrence Welk records.

I buried the cartridge with her.
I trust there was some separation between those two events? Or I'm never offering to change discs at your house ;-)
bozo: please accept my apology. my first post was a feeble attempt at humor that obviously was too pointed. i truly meant no personal disrespect but see now how that may be difficult to believe. again, i'm sorry for any ill effects i caused. -kelly