Step Up or Step Down?

What would be a good phono step up transformer to move my phono input from mm to mc? I know of the EAR and Quicksilver. Which others and what would be best?

But it was fun, and I (maybe) got everyone to look at the link Conrfed provided?
look at the mithchell kotter (i think it is spelled correctly). it can only be purchased used. it is a very good step up. it is also hard to find as it is sought after. it is better than what you are looking at. imo

Stevens and Billington TX-103s Do a search on the Vinyl Asylum for more info. They don't come in a shiny case (no offense -- sold "raw"), but are reportedly VERY VERY good, and a steal at the price. I have a pair on order to check 'em out.