Speaker Cable for Tube SET System?

I would like some (tried and true) recommendations for speaker cable. My concern other than overall sound is bass control (damping and what effects it, if this is a part of the wire puzzle). The system is: Audion Silver Night 300B stereo version (7.5 watts), Reynaud Twin speakers, CAL Icon MKII with Bel Canto DAC, Mapleshade Digital IC, Homegrown Super Silver analog IC, BMI Whale PC's and two Monster HTS2000 power conditioners. The only two cables that I am considering at this time are: the Mapleshade Single or Double Helix and Analysis Plus Oval 12. I can get by with 10 ft runs, but would prefer to have 12 footers to cover any future reconfigurations (or to use them in a second system as time goes by) and would like to keep the cost at $300 and under. I am currently using Kimber 4VS and would like a more natural sound than they seem to offer in this setup, plus bass control as mentioned before. I will probably only audition two to three cables at the most and or buy and then sell used if I hear no improvement. Thanks.
I got brulees coincidents today and you can't have them. I also got many millograms of percodan today which,BTW, has a very short break-in period. Yeah, after over 30 years of working with sharp instruments I finally cut a tenon, or was that tendon, in my hand. even with the drugs, I know from my stepped Noble volume pot they speaker cables are about 6dB louder, how's that for objective fat, err fact. you want bass, we gotcher bass, i had john williams playing spanish guitar music and thought my HT subwoofer was on. on a freaking guitar! course i'm prettty recked so stay tuned. the good news is i'll have lots of time to listen to music. easy there cornfedboy, i got the injury in my own shop.
Kitch: When you start acting like Jerry Lewis, it's time to back off on the Perc's. What are you using the Coincident's with? Oh, and take it easy and let it heal properly.
Hi Kitch29, glad you like them. Sorry to hear about tenon or was that tendon? Sounds like you are enjoying your prettty recked condition. BTW, whats a mensch?
Stay in touch
Hello Dekay,

May I refer you to this source?

Steve Decker/Zen SET amps (www.decware.com)

You will get a straight,honest, non Voodoo answer...
Brulee, a "mensch" is a Yiddish(Eastern European Jewish dialect) for good guy. You get to hear a lot of the words from other people's cultures in whatever area you live in. I get Irish, Jewish, German, Polish, Ukranian, Russian, Puerto Rican, etc. I get to teach everyone else my Italian. In my case the word for this would either be "paisano(paisan in South Philly)" or "campari(goomba in South Philly)". And Brulee, you are DEFINITELY a goomba.