Ideas for a complete analog set up 2500- 3500

Stayed away from vynl because I didn’t want to complicate my already complicated audio life. Well things have settled down and I am considering the addition of analog.

My preference in sound: laid back, detailed (not in an analytical way), warm, musical (probably most important, spacious, with accurate bass.

I like visual style too, some examples of things I consider classy: Sonus Faber, Art Audio (a little flashy), Hovland (pre and amp), Mephisto, RixRax, Zotheticus, and so. TTs can be works of art as well as the ultimate playback. However I would choose substance over looks but would like to get alittle of both if possible.

I know very little about the analog side of things. I want a low maintenance set-up for as easy care as possible.

I don’t plan to change things after it is set up (yea right).

I would like to stay blissfully ignorant about all the details.

Around $2500-$3500 (used where possible) for everything – this includes table, arm, cart, wire, isolation, cleaning, and whatever else you think I should have.

Lets say you could only spend $2500-$3500 and it was going to be what you used from now on (regardless of your current set-up), what would you buy?

Thank you in advance for your insights

PS give complete systems when you can
Kuzma Stabi S /Stogi arm, van de Hul Grasshopper cart, and you are ready to go!

I am in the same boat as you are right now. And with that, I am planning to ultimately spend about $2,500.00 on an analog system as well, though I am going to do so over the next couple of years. What I am going to do is acquire the phono stage this year and see if I can make due with a Thorens until I get the table I really want (which means I want to start enjoying vinyl THIS year). But over the next couple of years, here's what I hope to end up with (not to say that this is the combination that you may want. I will put another one out there just for you in a moment):

Phono Stage: Monolithic PS-1 Dual Mono Phono Stage + HC-1 Dual Mono Power Supply (to be bought separately).
Interim Turntable: Either a Thorens TD150, TD160, TD165 or TD166 (from August 2002 to about October 2003).
Turntable/Arm System: Either a Rega Planar P25 with RB600 Arm or a VPI Aries Scout with JMW-9 Arm.
Phono Cartridge: Grado Reference Sonata.
Record Cleaning Machine: Nitty Gritty Mini Pro 1.
Cables: MITerminator 2 or Cardas (their MOL cable).

But now, here is a combination that you can try as well:

Phono Stage: Monolithic PS-1 + HC-1 -- $658.00.
Turntable/Arm System: Rega Planar R25/RB600 -- $1,200.00.
Cartridge: Clearaudio Aurum Beta MkII -- $350.00, Dynavector 20XL -- $525.00, or the Grado Reference Sonata (the one I am going to end up with) -- $500.00.

Record Cleaning Machine: Nitty Gritty 2.5Fi Vacumn Record Cleaning Machine -- $625.00.
Cables: Cardas (don't know which ones, nor how much you want to spend) -- $500.00.

I will re-interate again, the first combination listed is the one that I am striving for (but of course, you are welcome to audition as well, if it turns out to be your cup of tea), and the second one was the one that you may try out. But if you come up with other substitutions or suggestions, try those out as well.

Good Luck as you start to seek out and put together your analog system. I know you're going to have as much fun as I am.


I'm sorry....... my mistake...... I meant the Rega P25. Accept my apologies for the typo??


It seems no one has mentioned Linn. I know it's not sexy but the newer modified tables are much less maintainence work, still sound good accoding to John Atkinson of Stereophile and you can likely find a fully modified Linn with Lingo and Ekos for a little over $2000. Just food for thought.