I own all Synergistic Designers Reference speaker cables. All my interconnects are balanced Synergistic Designers Reference with discrete active shielding, except for one pair of Resolution Reference (also with DAS).
I recently tried the Valhalla speaker cables and 2 pairs (out of 4 pairs on my system) of Valhalla (balanced) interconnects. I found the Valhallas to be significantly superior to the Synergistics, *especially* the interconnects (the opposite of previous poster). The Valhalla speaker cables were a slight but noticeable improvment over the DRs, but even with only two pairs of Valhalla interconnects (with the 26' pair of Resolution References still in the system), the improvement was larger. I can hardly wait to hear what using all Valhalla interconnects will do. The Valhallas are more resolved and detailed than the DRs. The DRs do have a somewhat fuller and more lush sound, but they sacrifice considerable detail compared to the Valhallas.
Obviously, these conclusions may be very system dependent, but for my system I've decided that switching to Valhalla interconnects is a clear choice. I'm a bit less sure about the speaker cables--the Vs sounded fine, but very expensive and not as big a bang as with the interconnects. I think I will audition some other speaker cables (notably the new Audio Magic Clairvoiant) before deciding.
Craig Zastera