RB300 maintainance...

I noticed that on the most inner grooves especially on the extra long-playing records where the grooves come as close as possible to the record label that the sound greatly degrades and becomes too mushy and undetailed. It happens approximately 1.6" apart from record label. Before that the degradation seems to be unaudiable. The very beginning of the playable surface seems to be even too bright, but that's I believe an issue of a load impedance and can be easily resolved.
I checked the cartridge allignement and it seems to be at its maximum precision.
I assume that tonearm moves heavier towards the inner grooves and needs some attention.
Please help me out. My analogue setup is J.A.Michell GyroSE/Incognito-RB300/Lyra Helikon(Benz M.09 as backing up)


Perhaps it's more a problem of geometry than maintenance. Remember that with a pivoted arm, as opposed to a linear tracking arm, you only have perfect geometry at two points on the record. All other points are compromises. Perhaps with the "extra-long" LPs, the compromise in geometry is more noticeable than elsewhere on the record.

A shorter way of saying it is that your stylus is turned more clockwise relative to the record's groove the farther the arm pivots toward the record center. That will mess up the stylus' reading of the lateral modulations.
I understand the problems with geometry with pivoted arm but it's getting realy large scale of degradation especially on certain records.
Maybe I should try to change a tonearm direction clockwise a couple of degrees from normal?
The phono cable that attaches to the arm base could be under tension at the disk extremes. I know nothing about your table so excuse me if this is not an appropriate place to look. On my table the DIN connection at the arm to the plinth needs enough slack to allow the arm to pivot without any tension and can sometimes be difficult to adjust.
I think you need a set of Denessen Cartridge Protractor to porperly set-up your tonearm/cartridge.
Do you have the same problem with the Benz cartridge?