As the others, I thank you for your sincerity and honesty. Please don't take this personally, but:
1. I don't know many people with requisite experience in listening who also don't know that Purist cables, and particulary the Dominus line, are very expensive, relatively speaking.
2. You should be able to hear a difference on the Plinius in terms of bass registers, but, to be frank, your system, although well thought out, is not of the caliber to benefit from a cable like the Dominus PC or the like (eg. NBS Statement I on Pre's/CD, Electraglide FatBoy on amps, etc.)in terms of harmonic and spatial effect.
3. Most people who would be interested in a Dominus-level PC already know, as Porter alludes, that NBS, Purist et al are very suceptible to movement. Whether you ascribe to the theory that the dialectric needs to re-form, or whatever, the fact is that, once moved, the cable needs at minimum 48hrs play-time to "re-settle". Absent that time - and I submit that its more like 100 hrs to get everything back - the cable will sound brittle on breath transients, lean on harmonics and phasey.
Well-intentioned and well written. But again, with respect, I believe that the experiment - if it truly wishes to aspire to the rigors of ratio-empiric method - must be examined in light of these deficient variables. But, don't stop, keep going. The essence of empiric method is trial and error, and those erros many times occur in our original assumptions that underlie our experiments.
As Sean says, your passion is what is most admirable. Don't stop, keep going.
1. I don't know many people with requisite experience in listening who also don't know that Purist cables, and particulary the Dominus line, are very expensive, relatively speaking.
2. You should be able to hear a difference on the Plinius in terms of bass registers, but, to be frank, your system, although well thought out, is not of the caliber to benefit from a cable like the Dominus PC or the like (eg. NBS Statement I on Pre's/CD, Electraglide FatBoy on amps, etc.)in terms of harmonic and spatial effect.
3. Most people who would be interested in a Dominus-level PC already know, as Porter alludes, that NBS, Purist et al are very suceptible to movement. Whether you ascribe to the theory that the dialectric needs to re-form, or whatever, the fact is that, once moved, the cable needs at minimum 48hrs play-time to "re-settle". Absent that time - and I submit that its more like 100 hrs to get everything back - the cable will sound brittle on breath transients, lean on harmonics and phasey.
Well-intentioned and well written. But again, with respect, I believe that the experiment - if it truly wishes to aspire to the rigors of ratio-empiric method - must be examined in light of these deficient variables. But, don't stop, keep going. The essence of empiric method is trial and error, and those erros many times occur in our original assumptions that underlie our experiments.
As Sean says, your passion is what is most admirable. Don't stop, keep going.