Did I do the right thing?

Well it's tax time again and here comes Uncle Sam to take a bite out of me, and one that I can ill afford. Since there is no escaping death or taxes, I decided that it was time to divest myself of something. But what? In the end there were only two things that had value that I could conceivably part with; my relatively new Rega P3 and about 50lps or two very valuable bottles of California cult Cabernet from my cellar. After much deliberation I've decided to sell the wine. Even though I know I made the right call, I could use some affirmation flung my way. Has anyone else faced a similarly difficult situation? If so please share.
You must be one of those people who thinks that all stereo equipment sounds the same too. So I wonder, what brand of boombox do you use?
Jond; not being a wine afficianado, I think that you definitely made the right choice. A properly chilled Bud would be just fine with me. Enjoy the Music. Craig
Unfortunately my boombox tastes do parallel my wine tastes. (Avalon and Chateau Mouton Rothschild :)

Regards on your tax woes.
You forgot to add the :-) Sometimes well written sarcasm looks *too much* like the real thing...

Personally, I thought your post was hilarious... I vote to put it in the Class A, limited frequency range category of recommended Audiogon jokes and nominate you for the category of the Cornfedboy-in-absentia "Best Sarcasm in Response to a Different but Very Annoying Thread Involving Bizarre Conspiracy Theories" Award for the 2002 Audiogon Awards.

My apologies for missing the sarcasm, I'd actually had a few glasses of wine when I read your post.