Did I do the right thing?

Well it's tax time again and here comes Uncle Sam to take a bite out of me, and one that I can ill afford. Since there is no escaping death or taxes, I decided that it was time to divest myself of something. But what? In the end there were only two things that had value that I could conceivably part with; my relatively new Rega P3 and about 50lps or two very valuable bottles of California cult Cabernet from my cellar. After much deliberation I've decided to sell the wine. Even though I know I made the right call, I could use some affirmation flung my way. Has anyone else faced a similarly difficult situation? If so please share.
Jond; not being a wine afficianado, I think that you definitely made the right choice. A properly chilled Bud would be just fine with me. Enjoy the Music. Craig
Unfortunately my boombox tastes do parallel my wine tastes. (Avalon and Chateau Mouton Rothschild :)

Regards on your tax woes.
You forgot to add the :-) Sometimes well written sarcasm looks *too much* like the real thing...

Personally, I thought your post was hilarious... I vote to put it in the Class A, limited frequency range category of recommended Audiogon jokes and nominate you for the category of the Cornfedboy-in-absentia "Best Sarcasm in Response to a Different but Very Annoying Thread Involving Bizarre Conspiracy Theories" Award for the 2002 Audiogon Awards.

My apologies for missing the sarcasm, I'd actually had a few glasses of wine when I read your post.
Yes. Alcohol actually messes up your hearing. Ever wonder why the music gets so loud the more you drink? Perhaps this lends itself to the mysteries of reviewers' opinions, as well.( The preceeding is personal conjecture, as I do not know any reviewers personally. I have been to my share of keg parties in a former lifetime, and to that part, I can attest.)