Luminous Audio tech, Coincident, JPS, Homegrown

Will owners of these speaker cable brands please come forward and let me know how they sound and what is in your system. I am particulary interested in staying below the $500 mark for double run biwire 6-8 foot. Will connect to McCormack DNA .5 and Von Schweikert VR4s.

CST .5 and Synchestra as well as silver lace are some close to the budget if used I guess. I don't know if the DIY Risch designed stuff will compete, any thoughts?


Albert Von Schweikert is using Analysis Plus in his new speakers and endorses the cables generally. That would fit your budget since the vr-4's require biwiring. I've used the CST 1 with good results.
Look into the LAT Internationals - a unique blend of silver and copper - great sound - good price - 45 day trial .
Acoustic Zen Satori easily betters all mentioned, and can be had for about 350.00 used.

Where on earth can I buy used Satoris for $350 for a pair of double run to biwire my Von Schweikerts. Everything I have seen is near $1000? If you have a source please let me know