Audio cables for older McIntosh equipment?

I am hooking up some older McIntosh equipment:
(2) MCD2505 Amps
(1) C28 Pre-Amp
(1) MR71 Tuner
(1) MCD7007 CD Player
I have Joseph Audio RM 25 speakers.
Wondering what everyone thougt would be a good choice of cables for this set-up. I am bi-amping and need to run about 200 feet of speaker cable with the 4 runs. I am not sooking to spend a fortune either. More interested in what audio cables to try out.

Beleave it or not, I first had the old Mac gear with a Classe CA 300 amp. I loved the way it preformed. I then pulled out the Classe and added in the 2 old Mac's. My first reaction was, holy s#$t, this sounds sloppy. After leaving it hooked up for a while I really started to enjoy the sound. The best way to describe it was very tube like. After a week of listening, I have decided to keep it for a while. I am really starting to LOVE it, can't explain why. I can listen for hours on end, no fatigue at all. Oh well, maybe if I put back the Classe I would change back to it. For now though, the Mac's are staying.
I started to look out for cables for my McIntosh's (C200 preamp, now MC402 power amp)last year. I took the advice of ljgj to try LAT International - and I am glad I did so. I finally recabled my whole system with LAT: their IC-20 digital cable, their IC-200 interconnect, and their SS-1000 speaker cable. Each of these cables is a bargain and betters much more expensive cables. Together with audiophile friends, I compared the IC-200 (250 $), for example, to a Transparent-interconnect (forget which one it was) that cost more than 800 $. The LAT won. I just tried Nordost Red Dawn-interconnects which sell for 400 $ a meter. Again, we handed it to the LAT. Only thing is, burn-in time takes long, at least one week of permanent burn-in. However, LAT offers a 45-day-trial period with money-back guarantee, go to their website
van den hul clearwater..its thin,it fits, and it sounds superb(neutral)..oh yeah..its not expensive