Acoustic Zen speaker Cables ..In general

Do they work better with tube or solid state?
Would you consider them warm, bright or neutral?


What a coincidence most of my comparisons were done with Pass Aleph 2 amps and Silverline Sonata speakers. I also did compare them on my BAT VK150SE, Dunlavy 4 system as well. I had a few friends over when doing some comparing as well, and everyone agreed that the Satori was better than SPM and Silver Ref was better than Quattro Fil. I agree that the Nordost cables can initially sound more striking than AZ, but in extended listening I find that AZ is simply much more natural than Nordost, while at the same time passing much more of the ultra fine details in the recordings. I guess we have to just agree to disagree
They are quite system dependent compared to other cables I have used like the Analysis Plus.

In some systems they can sound really dark, while in some it can sound very neutral.

I understand why many people sell this cable off, its very sensitive to anciliary equipment.

I also noticed that you cannot use AZ cables all the way from the IC's to the speaker cable, it will be too dark sounding in my opinion.

I have combined the Satori with Silver Audio 4.0 and Silver digital cable to very good effect. Matching the components with the TG Audio cables PC 's also helped quite a bit.

Its quite a challenging cable but once you get the combos right, its fantastic!
using silver matrix II between arc cd-3 and cj premier 17ls excellent neutral sounding cable equal of the much more expensive and overpriced audioquest anaconmda
Has anyone ever compared the AZ Satori and Alpha-Core veracity MI-2 speaker cables?
Thanks for any comments.
A view from over the pond where AZ is not readily available. I am using Matrix and a single run of Hologram with jumpers. Again, what a coincidence, with an Aleph 3 amp, to Living Voice Avatars with a Graaf valve pre. Again I have been using Nordost Red Dawn and I agree they are superficially fast and exciting, but just less musical. The AZ has a richer tonal palette, it makes music more musical, excuse the oxymoron. The Hologram in particular, made as much difference as upgrading my LV speakers from Auditorium to Avatar and the latter are in my view, special speakers. I am awaiting the arrival of my Silver Ref bought off Audiogon.