Who needs drugs when you've got music?


Does your stereo do this to you very often?

This is the only test of great stereo!
Nice article. Being driven to “tears of joy” is a normal human condition. As a father, I have witnessed some pretty amazing achievements by my children that have left me quite literally in tears. Some people’s emotions, however, are much more fragile than others. Look at John Boehner I suggest that even the greatest musical production in the world wouldn't cause many audiophiles to cry. I love – absolutely love – music and all things hi-fi/stereo, but I will never cry over it!! I’m just saying .!!!! Wink, wink!
I almost cried at a concert...I got my finger stuck in a speaker stand while setting up a sound system for a Pat Donahue show. After the show I told Pat that this concert had a strong effect on my guitar playing...he thanked me and then I told him it was due to the fact that I SMASHED MY FINGER.
I like this thread. It's giving us all a little deeper background about one another.
Just for the record, I have been moved to tears from music. If I didn't have that capacity, I know that stereo equipment wouldn't be so ridiculously important to me. Music touches my soul. Always has.