Monster Cable Kicks Butt?

Let me preface this by saying that I'm an avid audiophile thats tried many different cables in all price ranges and have made several of my own.Iv'e been completely neutral on the wires don't make a difference saga also.Anyway I'm between speaker cable and needed something to hook up until the latest arrives so I go and get 20 ft of basic 12ga Monster and some of thier twist lock bananas, $65 bucks total, and hook it up.I was shocked at what came out of the speakers.Tight bass,clean airy highs,no harshness or glare,delightfull! I have McCormack DNA-1 REV A,ARC CD-2,ARC LS 15 and Dynaudio Contour 1.1's all great,accurate gear.Anyway these damn Monsters sound as good as the $1200 cables I just sold!Somebody pinch me please!
I apologize, but I find it hard to believe people with high resolution systems can't hear any difference at all.
I can often hear a difference between different pairs of identical interconnects, let alone a different model or brand.

A person with perfect pitch or music training is going to notice small changes more than someone who is tone deaf or un-schooled in music. I think hearing ability and skill plays a part in this difference in opinion. Anyway if someone is happy with their Bose Wave Radio/CD player, more power to them and I am sincerely happy for them. I just wish Paul Harvey on the radio would not claim his son the "Audiophile" loves his and has tweeked it further.

To use a golf analogy: Tiger Woods has custom clubs made to his exact specifications. They cost many thousands of dollars to make. With his skill they enable him to control ball flight in inches. If you're a 24 handicap, will a pair of megabuck custom golf clubs make much of a difference over a $300 pair from Sears? Probably not. They would be a waste of money. Does that mean they are a waste of money to a serious player?? Many times one stroke lost will cost a pro 10 to 20 times what the clubs costs.

With due respect to many of the other respondees, I have found that Monster Cable cables fall short of their advertised claims. Last year, I had my own shoot-out of 8' biwired speaker cables (Krell 200c amplifier to Dunlavy SC-IVs), and both my wife and I were shocked at how inferior the Monster Cable M-2.4s cables were to the Transparent Audio MusicWave Supers. Now, admittedly, the Transparent Audio cables were more than twice as expensive, but, still, the advertised claims of Monster Cable implied that speaker cable did not get any better than the M-2.4s.

The best way I can describe the difference is using a computer analogy in terms of color graphics. The Monster Cable product was VGA resolution using 256 colors; the Transparent Audio was UXGA resolution using 16.7 million colors.

No, Monster Cable did not "kick butt"; rather, it showed itself, at best, to be "all talk/no action."
I guess its like this - Monster sells more cable than all the rest combined - I guess that makes them not good - Right?
No, it's more like Monster sounds 'less good', and that mnakes them 'not good.'
I can't speak for anyone elses experiences, but my wife and I will tell you that.
If you are happy with cable X (whatever that may be), then rejoice. Don't expect everyone else to share your preference; those of us who may not care from Brand X are not part of a conspiracy.