Will new power cords by my answer?

After years of buying, selling and upgrading, I finally feel I have assembled a system that's "this close" to what I'm listening for-but it's still missing something.
What I'm hoping to achieve is the following:
1. More resolution/clarity. Presentation sounds slightly veiled.
2. That elusive tighter bass.

I'm thinking new audiophile power cords-of which I have none, may be the answer.What do you think?

Cary 303 on a Townsend Seizmic Sink
Rogue 66 Magnum w/upgraded Mullards in the line
Odyssey Stratos
Harmonic Tech Pro Silway 11's IC
Nordost Blue Heaven Rev 2"s spkr. cable
All except Stratos plugged into a Monster Cable HTS 3000 conditioner
Snell Type D speakers

As always, thank you posters for your time and feedback!
This is nice 'gear' that you have, but i would look elsewhere for:..." More resolution/clarity. Presentation sounds slightly veiled". Rogue 66...perhaps the weakest link?
I don't know of a system that couldn't benefit from a power cord upgrade. However, much like ics & speaker cables they will change the overall sound. Thus, it may require some trial and error.

If I may offer a place to start there are currently a pair of BMI Eeels at auction for $400. These cables have recieved good reviews and if your not pleased I'm sure there is another gonner who would be glad to snatch them up from you.


buy fim gold ac cord,you will get what you want to get.also
1 ps audio ultimate outlet for amp.
We have been advocating for many years now that it all starts at the wall. Dedicated lines with copper ground and decent ac duplexes to begin clearing up your ac. Good quality powercords make a huge difference. Try Shunyata, Synergistic, Electraglide, Audio Magic, FIM, etc We had some customers over yesterday that were non-believers and we tried 6 different cords and they could distinguish a difference in all 6 cords. A really good line conditioner be it a Hydra, a Stealth, a used Bybee Pro, etc. will be significant. If you go in that direction the best powercord to put in your system should go to the line conditioner, then your digital and then preamp.
Small tweeks like adding really good cones under your components especially your digital will focus and tighten eveything.
Powercords will amaze you have fun!
I would not discourage you from experimenting with power cords (though I will say that the results will be very system-dependent, so don't take the above specific recommendations as gospel). But for what you say that you're still looking for in the sound, I believe you will eventually want to look at upgrading your speakers and amp/preamp setup. For the money, you undoubtedly have a nice combo. But if you want to take the next step, I'm afraid it will require a higher level of investment on these fronts. For what it's worth, when you begin, I would start with the speakers, move next to the amp, and lastly the preamp. I'm sort of in the same position myself, but aren't we all? Enjoy the madness.