What component have you changed out the most?

Which component in your two channel system have you repaced the most? Sice I started this hobby (16 years ago), I have gone through more digital sources than any other component. A close 2nd would be amplifiers.

Actually I've stopped changing digital gear as well, not because my Classe CDP-1 is THE ONE though. It's very nice for digital playback, but I've realized that analogue is THE ONE. Neither my Classe or my Sony SACD sound as good as my inexpensive analog rig. I'll probably start concentrating on upgrading the analogue components now. I still listen to cd's, but only when I'm too lazy or busy to clean and setup an LP.
Ignoring cables, which are by far and away the winner here, digital sources followed by amps. Interestingly, no real changes in the amp since 1990 and with the digital sources since 1994 (have done updates and mods to existing pieces, though, to scratch the upgrade itch).
After cables, the preamp. I've had eleven preamps in and out in the last three years. More a case of buying used to demo in comparison to the one in place. The loser was then sold
I'm with Sugarbrie, I have had three pre-amps in the last year. I have been fortunate to have replaced the old with something better each time. It must be some kind of foolish obsession because I still check for pre-amps first even though I really need a new amp. Is there a twelve step program for this?!?