What component have you changed out the most?

Which component in your two channel system have you repaced the most? Sice I started this hobby (16 years ago), I have gone through more digital sources than any other component. A close 2nd would be amplifiers.

After cables, the preamp. I've had eleven preamps in and out in the last three years. More a case of buying used to demo in comparison to the one in place. The loser was then sold
I'm with Sugarbrie, I have had three pre-amps in the last year. I have been fortunate to have replaced the old with something better each time. It must be some kind of foolish obsession because I still check for pre-amps first even though I really need a new amp. Is there a twelve step program for this?!?
Cables. probably gone thru 5 sets of cables, at least. as for the rest, I've changed digital front ends, preamp/amp, and speakers three times each so far. So those are about even. I've also gone thru three listening rooms/areas. Three listening chairs too. Three audio racks. Three seems to be my lucky number right now. ;-)

Ask me in about six months, and I'll probably say "tubes." Just got a valve pre and power amp. "All right partner.. You know what time it is.. Keep on rolling.." -Fred Durst. Yeah I'm definitely showing my age. 24.