Current CD playes and transports

Why do sellers of cd players and transports think they can price their units 40-50 percent of the original list when in less than a year almost all units will be rendered obsolete. Get real and price them accordingly.
mig007: since you obviously are prescient, perhaps you might share with all us fools what the new format's going to be. i also assume that you advocate we all rid ourselves of our cd collections along with the transports that spin them, right?
Mig007; In addition to agreeing with Cornfedboy above; who told you CD players and transports will be obsolete in one year? That sounds like a naive (not to mention dumb) opinion to me. I expect to be using my good quality transport and DAC for years to come, and in any event, I'm sure as hell not going to sell it to you at an insulting low ball price. Good equipment is also often upgradable. Have you ever heard of upgrades? CDs are going to be around a long time IMO, and it will also be quite awhile before DVD-A has much in the way of hardware or, especially software available, also IMO. In fact, it's not even a viable format yet. If you don't want to pay what someone wants for their equipment, don't pay it-- this is America. CD players are available at Circuit City for $129.
Hi Mig: I have been contemplating selling my "GRAND ENIGMA" transport for "way" more than 40% off. I will run an add if I decide to sell - talk to you then.