Bel Canto DAC 1 Upgrade

Here is a copy of the email I recieved from Bel Canto inquiring as to new upgrade for those interested: "Yes, upgrades are now available. Return your unit with a note requesting the upgrade, include a return shipping address with a check for $150.00. We will complete the upgrade in a couple of days. Regards, Michael " Guess they have to keep up with that Full Nelson on the MSB. Charlie
Charlie The Bel Canto group is a low key bunch if ever the description fit. I just sent my DAC back a month or so back, a problem with the crystal chip. Spent an hour talking about music in general and their products in particular with Jay. He never once mentioned the DAC upgrade to me. I just heard about it here less than a week after I got the DAC back from them. They aren't very good on returning phone calls either. I guess they are keeping quite busy with the evo amp and DAC 1. Will
I located the old MSB link. Considering the additional cost of the 1000 power supply, I will probably go with the Bel Canto which is available used within my budget. I do not see any used/discounted MSB FN's and power supplies and do not feel like waiting around. I am also running out of cabinet space as well and the size of the Bel Canto is a plus.
Will, you must be a saint! I would be mad as all get-out if I thought I would have to do without my dac for another mailout session. My hat is off to you, sir. Charlie
bruce wenger of sez he has a bel-canto mod that will blow away anything up to $4k. dunno anything more about it. but, he also makes some really cool tube-gear... doug
Will, you must be a saint! I would be mad as all get-out if I thought I would have to do without my dac for another mailout session. My hat is off to you, sir. Charlie