Bel Canto DAC 1 Upgrade

Here is a copy of the email I recieved from Bel Canto inquiring as to new upgrade for those interested: "Yes, upgrades are now available. Return your unit with a note requesting the upgrade, include a return shipping address with a check for $150.00. We will complete the upgrade in a couple of days. Regards, Michael " Guess they have to keep up with that Full Nelson on the MSB. Charlie
I located the old MSB link. Considering the additional cost of the 1000 power supply, I will probably go with the Bel Canto which is available used within my budget. I do not see any used/discounted MSB FN's and power supplies and do not feel like waiting around. I am also running out of cabinet space as well and the size of the Bel Canto is a plus.
Will, you must be a saint! I would be mad as all get-out if I thought I would have to do without my dac for another mailout session. My hat is off to you, sir. Charlie
bruce wenger of sez he has a bel-canto mod that will blow away anything up to $4k. dunno anything more about it. but, he also makes some really cool tube-gear... doug
Will, you must be a saint! I would be mad as all get-out if I thought I would have to do without my dac for another mailout session. My hat is off to you, sir. Charlie
My understanding is that the power suply upgrade will increase the dynamics of the Dac1. For more info and a good deal on a new piece, email Jonathon@GoldmanAudio.Com I spoke to him about it yesterday.