SACD player as CD transport?

Does anyone have experience using any of the SACD players as a transport for CD playback in combination with an external DAC? How good is it? Because if it's decent in this capacity, seems like you could have the best of both worlds, using it as a transport for 16/44 CDs (but getting the benefits of your DAC, assuming it's better than the SACD) and as a fully-integrated player for SACD software. I know the Sony SCD-1 has coax digital out (CD only), not sure about other models. Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
This begs the question, is it worth the extra $1500 for the SCD-1 over the 777, considering performance as an SACD player and as a CD transport for use with externl DAC?
i don't know what your outer limits on price might be, but accuphase has an incredibly good sacd transport/dac combination that will play all formats available (the transport does not play dvd-a but the dac is upgradeable to this source). the pair, dp-100/dc-101 retails for $28k. it is the best "redbook" playback combo i've ever heard and requires no preamp; indeed, it sounds best driven direct using a fully-digital attenuator on board.
Drubin, your question is a good one. I'm not sure of the actual differences between the two units, perhaps someone out there knows. My understanding from hearsay is that the SCD-1 has additional damping, may have some better parts in the analog stage but still sounds similar, and has XLR (not true balanced all the way through) outputs, as well as fancier machinework. I would think you can probably get higher resolution CD playback for the extra $1500 over either Sony unit, and I doubt if the two Sony units differ in any real respect as transports. I'd pocket the $1500 and take the 777ES, which I did (but then took the money out of the pocket to get the far better analog stage; I'm too far gone as a tweaker, but you can still save yourself!). Anyone out there with more concrete facts or thoughts on this one?
I recently purchased a Sony 9000. I use my surround processor (Theta Casa Nova) as a d/a, as it is 24/96 capable and sounds every bit as good (if not better) than the Forsell I replaced. By running the digital output of the 9000 through the Theta, and the analog output directly to my preamp (Mark Levinson 380S), and matching levels, I am able to compare, in real time, the Sony's own analog signal on CD's to the digital signal, decoded by the Theta. The bottom line: no discernable difference! I would only have one hesitancy to use the 9000 as a CD transport, and this may not apply to you--it doesn't read CDR's.
Dschoenberg: A few clarifications, please 1) you compare 9000ES to Forsell, which one? Transport, D/A, both? I love Forsell, equally, I don't like Theta products, still I am very familiar with their sound. 2) What Theta you used? and how you compared "analog signals" sonically? and/or by measurments? I would appreciate very much your detailed respond. (I have 9000ES, and despite its numerous shortcoming I am in love with its sound), Thanks Simon