cornfedboy, signing off

a few months ago, i received an email from audiogon’s management with the intriguing subject line "got a minute?" in it, i was asked whether i had any interest in helping to develop a dispute resolution system for transactions emanating from audiogon’s website. hours of telephone conversations and countless emails followed. and, eventually, a dispute resolution system was developed, which is now an integral part of this site.

in working through various dispute resolution issues, i became more and more involved as a lawyer to his client. additional legal issues arose that i was asked to review and resolve. all during this time, i continued to post to discussion forums as a "member" of the audiogon community. i tried my best to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, avoiding conflicts in my roles as legal counsel and "member."

over the past few weeks, it has become apparent to me and that i can no longer wear two hats. so i’ve had to chose how i might best serve this community and those who allowed it to begin and to evolve. i’ve chosen to continue and expand my legal services to audiogon. my long-term goals as legal counsel are many but two are of greatest importance: to assure that audiogon remain the fairest, safest and most dependable online market for audio and video gear; and to help construct bridges over that chasm that now exists between the manufacturing and distributing sector and those who use the internet as a marketing and informational tool.

the decision to end my participation in the audiogon discussion forums was not an easy one. i’ve loved being a participant in these threads. and i truly treasure the many friends i’ve gotten to know here. i invite your private emails, whether you seek advice, a shoulder to lean on or just want to vent.

as my favorite band sang, "what a long, strange trip it’s been." so, my fellow denizens of this cyberspace pub, i bid you a fond farewell.

-F. Kelly Smith (a/k/a cornfedboy)
thank you all for your kind words, here and in private emails. i am very touched.

So your going to strike another match and start anew. Say it ain't so Cornfedblue.

And though the line is cut, it ain't quite the end,
We'll just bid farwell till we meet again.

It won't be the same around here anymore.
You will be missed. I hope only for a short while.
I will miss your knowledge, witt, humor, and that big heart that comes out of hiding from time to time.

I feel honored to have known you. I will miss you ALOT!
a lot.
guess we'll have to enter into legal disputes to exchange cornmunication from now on.
you've been one of my hifi gurus that has brought me to the place that i can see the tunnel, thou still lookin for the light. peace and thanks for the memories, kurt
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly.... I have a 45 pound dictionary in my lap when I on here because of you....not that my vocabulary has grown much, but my spelling is much improved!
Knowing you and knowing Arnie, I am sure that when you get this latest project over with, you can come back in... You guys can put your brains together and solve this one, too. Geez, this is peanuts compared to some of the past year or so, eh?
To be honest, some of my favorite posts of yours was in the "old days" when it was the wild, wild west and you would take those whippersnappers by the ear and out back to the verbal woodshed. You'd have me in tears from laughing. But since we have *refined* ourselves, we don't get much of that anymore anyway.
Seriously, I have always admired your ability to stay above the fray and speak from experience and knowledge. I truly believe that you have helped to shape these forums and your *touch* is all throughout. I only hope that we can keep the standard and keep it going. But then again, I expect to see you back here when you finish that "thing".
all the best,
Cornfed, your leaving without posting a review of the preamp you tantalized us about?

I quote:

"The Putrid Pus that Runs from Uncleaned Sores Preamp". Awesome sound if you can get past the smell. -cfb

This has to be an unbelievably good sounding preamp to go by that name and still expect to gain market share.

Perhaps you will visit us again after a brief rest, and post that review that only you can do justice to.