Hey Kublakhan. Great thread.While I don't have much experience in the digital format,I still record on a vacuum tubed Studer Revox G36 2 track recorder, and have for close to 30 years.It is imperative to record at 15 ips for top quality recordings and... no, I do not use any dolby on my machine.The majority of my tapes recorded from vinyl will stomp all over my digital of that same recording.Some of these tapes were recorded more than 25 years ago! Many years ago I owned a DJ company and had 7 crews out there in wedding halls and parties most every weekend. We used mostly Revox and Tanberg machines.They are precision semi-pro decks that will mirror the input signal without the digititis found in the digital formats.They can be a little frustrating to operate at first but they do not take a rocket scientist to figure out.There are many pro recording studios out there dumping some fabulous analogue recorders for next to peanuts.The Otari 550 pro deck for example. Some of their pro decks that use the 1/2 inch and 1 inch tapes are superb sounding machines and some can be run at 30 ips.Keep in mind the liabilties that go along with the territory...Quality tape reels are hard to find and getting even harder all the time.Proper maintenance is also a must. Revox still has service depots through out North America for all their tape recorders.Here is an even better deal and should cost you less than $100!!.There are thousands of Beta video recorders out there in basements collecting dust.This is the perfect format for recording any medium and the sound quality is absolutely top shelf.Trust me on this one guys,you won't believe your listening to a tape,its great for your treasured vinyl....simpy record and label the tape.Some of the early CD's[blahhh]will be "almost" listenable sitting down[you know what I mean]The better recorded CD's will knock your socks off.Great for parties and casual listening.Just make sure the deck has variable record inputs in 2 channels.I have both a VHS machine and a Sony beta machine and the beta just kills the vhs machine for audio. IT certainly is an inexpensive way to store music, the source could be vinyl,digital or a live band in a local pub. Enjoy.