Best Power Cord

I am in the process of replacing my MIT Z cords on both my Bryston 9B THX amp and my Wadia 850. The system that the 850 is in has synergistic cables throughout and a Master Coupler for my Pass X-150. The Bryston is in my HT system and I use a combination of Nordost I/Cs and HT Pro 9 speaker cables.

Any thoughts for power cords for either or both of these components would be appreciated. I am thinking of perhaps a Black Mamba for the 850, but have read mixed reviews of that P/C. I also am thinking about a BMI Whale for the Bryston, but have not heard the whale yet. Any other cables I should be considering. I would like to stay in the sub $600 (used) price range.
Try a Wireworld Electra iii; I went through several auditions and felt this was the best. There is no question that you won't go wrong with PS audio. i felt they sounded very similiar.
Crump Assylum Chord.
As good as any 1k cable out there.Leaves more money for things like sources.
Natalie: Would you care to name all the up to $1000 cords you've used that have been bested by the Asylum Cord? In my experience, both the Blue Circle BC 62 and Cardas Golden (available used in the $100 to $200 range) easily outperformed the Asylum Cord (not that it is a decent improvement over stock cords at a reasonable price). Then there's Bob's TG Audio cords (sorry I don't have any experience with those); I doubt Bob would be selling many of those between $250 and $500 a pop (or even making them) if the Asylum Cord outperformed them.
Hi: In my experience (King Cobra, Fat Man, FIM Gold etc) the best BY FAR power cords are of Elrod Power Systems, EPS; new company established by David Elrod, formerly of Electraglide. He has patent for his totally new design. You can find EPS in Manufacterer List. Beware, he has many months waiting list. I wated for my first order 6 weeks, for second 8 or 9 weeks and I am still waiting for the latest order. The difference between EPS and other power cords is in its ability to strip away layer and layers of veil between you and the music, which gives me "spooky" feeling of musicians playing in my room. Scary... At any rate, David is extraordinary nice person and I am sure if you will not like his cords you will be able to retutn them to him. Whatever you choose, good luck!
The Sonoran Plateau is the best power cord I have ever experienced in my system.Much quieter backround,much more dynamic and never forward or etched sounding.I have never experienced the Virtual Dynamics power cord but I did hear the Nite interconnects in my system and one other I am very familiar with.They were second best to the Sonoran Plateau interconects.The Nites were very dynamic,very explosive and very large.The Sonoran Plateau was much quieter,with a much blacker backround with infinitly more dynamic shadings and subtle contrasts.MY listening experience tells me the Sonoran Plateau cables are the real thing!