Global Music Sales Fall- Solution go analog

LONDON (Reuters) - Global recorded music sales in 2001 fell five percent to $33.7 billion because of a sluggish global economy and increased consumer piracy, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry said on Tuesday.

The above is from Reuters. Now if the record companies went back to Vinyl all this pirating would disappear...
Analog is 'almost' perfect sound forever.
Digital is a cheap thrill and cheap thrills don't last.
This is NOT news. I'm in the media duplication business;
and it's well known that the major record companies are
in deep doo-doo financially. The trade magazines in my
industry have been talking about sliding CD sales for
But instead of producing new music that people
actually want to hear - they have decided it's more effective
to gouge the consumer for CDs - and treat all their
customers like criminals with all sorts of "copy protection"
schemes. Does this sound like a formula for success?
One last thing - being in this business I know that it
actually costs the music companies less than $1.00 to have
a CD manufactured. That price includes the disc, packaging,
and printed inserts. Think about that the next time you
pay $13.00 or $15.00 for your next CD!