Cd player or Nautilus 804

I recently changed speakers from B&W Matrix 802 to the N804s. The speakers have been broken in for about a month and I am still not sure of the results. I know I like the sound better than the M802's, being more open and less laidback. The problem is on some material, the music seems a bit harsh and not a smooth as I previously remembered. At this point, however, I am not sure if it really is the speaker or my source.

The rest of my system is Krell HTS 7.1 (has preamp mode - a bypass) with KAV series amps, XLO ref & sig. cables, Cal CL10 CD changer and a sony 7700 dvd player. My general observations are...

*Cal with preamp section (bypass)...more open and forward vocals (Like)....detail sounding with less emphasis on the lower midrange (don't like..seems lacking). Can sound bright and harsh at times. Some CDs really shine, but overall fatiguing.

*Cal going through Krell analog inputs...vocals are more laidback, but a lot of the harshness is gone. More balance sounding with more noticeable lower-end. Nicer overall presentation, but doesn't seem as dynamic and engaging.

*Sony used as a transport...a bit surprised that it sounded as good as it did...sounded very similar (maybe better) to the Cal with the analog inputs. Once again, less harshness, but vocals are recessed. Seems more on the analytical side versus dynamic and musical.

At this point, I am not sure what to focus on....Is my issue with the CD player or the speakers? I know people either love or hate B&Ws, but I think the speakers can deliver the sound I am looking for without being bright (?) I am a bit surprised with the CAL...vocals are good (albeit a tendency to be bright) but much less emphasis on the lower end (didn't notice with M802's).

I have tried an Arcam player & I wanted to like it, but it didn't seem dramatically better than I have. Vocals were not as forward as the Cal and it didn't seem bright. It just didn't win me over. I am going to listen to a Cary 303 and the Ayre CX-7 player this weekend on my exact same setup at the dealer. I am just not sure this will get the desired result....a dynamic, detailed musical presentation without being fatiguing.

Sorry for such a long post....just not sure what to do next. Any thoughts...should I focus on the cd player? are the speakers part of the issue or just passing on what it is getting? Can a change in the CD player address all of these issues?

thank you, macct

Just to widen your analysis perspective do you have any tweaks on your source meaning cones, etc.

In spite of speakers been same brand the room response does change, a look at accoustic treatments and placement mya be worth.
Good luck and keep us posted
I tried moving the speakers out a few feet, and the results were startling. The treble harshness was virtually eliminated and the speakers sounded great with a dynamic and wide soundstage. I couldn't get over the difference.

I moved them back a bit, but the speakers are a still in the walking path. I really need to moved them back a bit. If I add sound treatments behind the speakers and add curtain to the window (its near the left speaker) would it enable me to move them back a bit without bring the harshness back? In terms of tweaks....I don't currently use any....suggestions beyond the rooom treatments.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. The suggestions have made a world of a difference.
As a former owner of the 804's (I now own the 803's) I can tell you that the right electronics make a big difference. I ran mine with a Classe CA300 and it was a pretty fantastic combo. I also tried it with my HT set up; a Harmon Kardon 500, only 85w, and it was somewhat as you described. I can't speak to your electronics as I am not familiar with them. I wouldn't rule out the room qualities either. The size and shape can drastically alter the quality of a good speaker.
good luck, I think you have a fine speaker.
I, too, was initially disappointed with my N804s, but after about 300 hours, and an upgrade or two in upstream components, I'm now pretty happy (which is about the best that a neurotic audiophile can hope for). I found that a high-current amp was critical for bass, and that a good digital front-end (Wadia) made a huge difference in all areas.

As to your specific issue, you may want to experiment by making a partial "hood" for the tweeters out of felt padding. Absorbing the tweeters' side and rear emissions close to the source is more effective and cheaper than treating the walls. It looks stupid, but it's a really great experiment, and you may decide that being able to place the speakers close to a wall with the hoods is the most practical solution. Also, since they're front-ported, the bass is still pretty tight near a wall. Finally, don't underestimate the amount of energy that the Nautilus tweeter sends out of the hole at its rear. Using just a bit of felt to absorb that may be all the difference that you need.

Happy listening, and let us know what happens.
I just had the pleasure to sit with an audio reviewer for 4 hours and listen to his system with both my music and his. The system was Kharma Midi- Grands, all Meitner digital, SME-Manley Steel Head- Clear Audio analog, feeding Tenor 75W OTL's and all Nordost Valhalla wires. Needless to say the room was tricked out and the sound was the BEST my ears have enjoyed. My new friend loaned me a pair of Valhallas to go from my Arcam CD-23 to my Levinson #383 which powers my N804's. MY lord what a difference!!! I spent 6 months fine tuning my speakers in my sound room. AS has been so well stated by others on this post speaker placement is the most important, but what is up stream is very important. To make a long story short don't give up on the 804's and you also needed to give the Arcam some time. My player came on song after about a month of dailey playing and I am so glad I waited. Because with the Valhallas in the system the sound is INCREDABLE!! I honestly would not up- grade as of now except for the IC's (and I'm going to buy the Valhallas) and that is after listening to that super system. With everything clicking right now the 804's are a whole lot better than I could imagine. As far as the windows are concerend I have 4 in my listening room. I had custom window treatments made for the room because it's the first room you see when you enter my house. They are very heavy material gatered in the corners from just above the windows to the floor. Covering the windows are cloth blinds called silohetts.(I think thats how they are spelled)they are cloth blinds. I close them when I play and the light still comes in but the glass is covered. I also place large and small plants all around the speakers by the walls and windows and I have 2 listening chairs and some well placed pillows. It looks fantastic and the wife is happy and the neighbors all love the room. Best of all it sounds great. It cost some money but it is more bang for the buck than most tweaks. The moral of this story boys and girls is to be creative and trust what YOU hear. Have fun and make listening to music a pleasure. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.