What controls/adjustments are needed for phono pre

Wondering if I use a multi-table,multi-arm et up and have more than one type of cartridge what are the adjustmets I am going to want to be able to make easily and quickly?Guess this is a follow up to what phono's have front panel switches.Now I am wondering what those switches should be?
As ever thnx
Chazz, have no experience w/ the Denon you mention -- sorry! I'm not sure what the "key" adjustment you refer to is? Does it digitally change the musical key??? If so, it would be loading the digital musical info, after the A-D converter stage, on some sort of cache and playing with it there... Interesting!
I guess it must be a cache that is altered.Not sure if there are others like itI think that Stanton migh put out a simmilar product but not sure if it has this "key" feature (hee hee).Might be on a support web site but not sure.
Can't believe Keith Herron would compromise and put an on-off switch on his unit, but guess it does use fire bottles :-)....We just have two power cords on our unit, one for each supply....There is no switch like no switch especially in or across the signal path.....Best handled by either gold pin sockets for resistive and perhaps capacitive loads or soldering them in....Bengal Lancers!

Bob Crump
CTC Builders