Ya know, reading this thread, i am really taken back to the movie "FIGHT CLUB"
Anyone see that?
It expresses some interesting views on luxury items.
Of course some of this stuff is over priced. Why the hell wouldnt it be?
Go to EXPO, take a look at the 600.00 Blender, and tell me that High End audio is anything but normal?
There are plenty of good products out there, and for every reasonably priced product there is an outrageously priced product that does the same thing just costs 10 times more.
I have a $400.00 Starbucks Expresso machine. Does it work better than 100.00 machine? Does it have better quality parts? Probably not. My parents got a new one and gave me that one, it was a hand-me-down
Do i LIKE the idea of having a coffee machine that costs more than my current rig cost me?
Well.. Kind of.. yes.... So what?
Sometimes it is nice to have real nice things, things that people look at and say WOW! That is Awesome!
Maybe that makes us feel better about slaving away 40+hours a week. Makes us feel like we are really accomplishing something.
The point is, you can spend 39 bucks for a kitchen faucet, or 400. You can spend a buck for a cup of joe at 7-11, or 6 bucks for a Vente Double Carmal Mochachino at Starbucks.
Everybody is a little bit materialistic, everyone would like the best and greatest, if any of you disagree with me, look at the brand of your clothing, the cost and size of your house, the type of coffee you preffer, the type of car you drive, and then once again tell me yer not materialistic.
It is ok! It is OK to be materialistic. It is human nature, if humans were never concerned with status and "the latest and greatest" there would never be any advancement. That desire to have the best is one of the things that strives humans to create, develop, and dream. Sure, it can be taken to an extreme level, but most people do not.
It is ok to want the latest and greatest. Just dont let that blindside your from the point of the hobby. The music.
Anyone suprised that there are speakers that cost 100K and up, really needs to look at every other market out there. This is nothing specific to High End Audio, it is what WE notice because it is OUR hobby.
Anyone see that?
It expresses some interesting views on luxury items.
Of course some of this stuff is over priced. Why the hell wouldnt it be?
Go to EXPO, take a look at the 600.00 Blender, and tell me that High End audio is anything but normal?
There are plenty of good products out there, and for every reasonably priced product there is an outrageously priced product that does the same thing just costs 10 times more.
I have a $400.00 Starbucks Expresso machine. Does it work better than 100.00 machine? Does it have better quality parts? Probably not. My parents got a new one and gave me that one, it was a hand-me-down
Do i LIKE the idea of having a coffee machine that costs more than my current rig cost me?
Well.. Kind of.. yes.... So what?
Sometimes it is nice to have real nice things, things that people look at and say WOW! That is Awesome!
Maybe that makes us feel better about slaving away 40+hours a week. Makes us feel like we are really accomplishing something.
The point is, you can spend 39 bucks for a kitchen faucet, or 400. You can spend a buck for a cup of joe at 7-11, or 6 bucks for a Vente Double Carmal Mochachino at Starbucks.
Everybody is a little bit materialistic, everyone would like the best and greatest, if any of you disagree with me, look at the brand of your clothing, the cost and size of your house, the type of coffee you preffer, the type of car you drive, and then once again tell me yer not materialistic.
It is ok! It is OK to be materialistic. It is human nature, if humans were never concerned with status and "the latest and greatest" there would never be any advancement. That desire to have the best is one of the things that strives humans to create, develop, and dream. Sure, it can be taken to an extreme level, but most people do not.
It is ok to want the latest and greatest. Just dont let that blindside your from the point of the hobby. The music.
Anyone suprised that there are speakers that cost 100K and up, really needs to look at every other market out there. This is nothing specific to High End Audio, it is what WE notice because it is OUR hobby.