Speaker cable for BW Nautilus 803

I have bw nautilus 803 driving with ML 332 using coincident cst1 speaker right now it is very good but something is telling me that it can get better looking for pair of single bi-wire speaker cable, current IC is acoustic zen silver and matrix reference souce is Cary CD. Looking for something that is warm and sweet. Any recommendation will be appreicated.
You might want to look into transparent. I haven't heard them myself, but I know a few people that have this combination and they really like it.
I'm using the Coincident CST-1 with N804s and the sound is slammin'. I think you're getting to the point of diminshing returns as far as speaker cable is concerned. Perhaps you should look at the AZ ICs since I've read about some problems with them over on AA. I just switched ICs to the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista silvers. WOW! The N804s sound awesome with the silver MFs and the CST-1 cable. Think about it before spending big bucks for little, if any improvement,
Thanks for the response I know the transparent will probably be fine but it is too much money especially for bi-wire version, I was thinking about Cardas golden reference single bi-wire had any one using it?
Rlb61 are you using CST-1 speaker cable bi-wire how does it sound?