Treating records with LAST preservative

Do you think it will slow down the ageing and deterioration of the vinyl? I am not talking about the record wear.Anyone has an experience doing it? Any other ideas to prolong the records shelf life?
Perhaps, to a certain degree it depends on vinyl formulation. I am mostly interested in late 60s original American pressings and 70s original Japanese pressings but also some British from 70s and 90s.I do not intend to play them much if at all and just want to pass them on to my son.So, I would like to preserve the records for the next,say,70 years.My concern is that once it's done with the LAST it cannot be undone.
Aging and deterioration? My personal observation, and perhaps some of you may disagree, is that LP's simply do not age, deteriorate, or otherwise degrade when stored under reasonable conditions. If I am correct, then why add "Last" or any other chemical/preservative to the mix?
I'm one of those who bought LPs from Sdcampbell and can, indeed, vouch for their pristine condition and great sound. His use of LAST clearly has not deteriorated the sound in any way whatsoever. [PS, Scott... still waiting for that next list!]
I also like the Gruv Glide. It is much easier to use and far more economical. I found LAST expensive and difficult to use. And if you did not like what it did to the record you are stuck as it is permanent. The Gruv Glide washes right off if you choose.
Thank you all. Looks like most approve the bloody thing though some see no reason to use it. I think, I will try it on less valuable records and see what happens in a few years.