Speakers Corner QC?

We just finished opening and playing nine new Speakers Corner records.

- all nine came out of the sleeve covered with more dust than any record should see in its whole lifetime

- three or four were covered with loose vinyl shavings, one sliver is over 1" long

- three have chunks of unmelted vinyl(?) stuck to the grooves, two sound loudly and the third actually skips!

- one has a 4mm long scratch, very audible

The dealer is replacing the bad ones but it's a pain in the neck and I have to pay to mail them back. We've bought nearly a hundred Classic Records reissues and none of them had these problems. Is this normal for Speakers Corner?
Music Direct will take them back within 30 days if truly defective. I've had them take 2 lp's back over the last 6 months. I'm guessing at their own expense...pretty good customer service.

I agree about MD's customer service. They've been good, it's just a pain. Of the nine I bought they're replacing the four that need to be:
- Decca 6113/Mahler #1/Solti/LSO
- Decca 325-2/Mahler#2/Solti/LSO
- Decca 385-2/Mahler #3/Solti/LSO
- Decca 6026/Bartok/Divertimento for Strings, Vivaldi/two cto's

Must be an anti-Mahler conspiracy. These recordings and pressings are excellent BTW, and Solti does Mahler really well. His #1 is definitive, IMO of course, and it's great to have such a fine recording available. We only listened to #3 last night. I'm still getting my head around it, but during the final movement I all but had a vision of Dante's Beatrice. Sublime music, sublimely played.

I strongly recommend any of these records, but play/check them carefully for flaws.
I have no conspiracy theory here about Music Direct or anybody else. Just looking for an explanation, as I've heard nothing but good comments here & on Asylum about Speakers Corner LPs. Hoping to get some myself.

Rats! I dragged my cloak and dagger down from the attic last night, just hoping for some excitement.

The Speakers Corner/Decca reissues are indeed magnificent. (Can't say the same about their DGG reissue of Verdi's 'Requiem', lousy recording I think.) Don't be shy about trying them.
Doug, don't blame Speakers Corner for what DG did at the recording stage! I have had no real problems with any of the 30-40 Speakers Corner LPs I've bought; sounds like bad luck on your part.